Tuesday, April 6, 2010

9 month checkup at high risk today!

Since Xander was born so early we take him to Cincinnati Childrens for follow up appts every three months and today was his 9 month checkup!! I knew today would be a good day because we knew his high risk doc was gonna ok some real food for the boy!! Up until now X has only been on formula(about 45 to 50 ozs a day)he's a moose, and some rice and oatmeal..boring..So the appointment went great!! Doc said X overall is around the 8 month age as far as all his skills go which is amazing!! His adjusted age is 6 months so that was such a awesome thing to hear!! Our little frog weighs 21 lbs and his doc was just so pleased with all of Xanders progress!! Sorry if this is a total brag post but hey, I couldn't be a happier mama for my little guy...Just seeing how far he has came brings me so much joy..And yes can I get a hallelugher for some real food!! We went straight to the store and scored X some yo baby yogurts and all kinds of goodies!! Whoooo Huuuu!!


  1. Nicu moms understand that special day when you can finally take a sigh of relief....temporarily

  2. I can totally relate, when I got the thumbs up that Gage had caught up in weight and in therapy was caught up for his age basically it was a huge sigh of relief! Way to go Xander!
