This blog is about our little man Xander Thomas Laine..Born at 27 weeks gestation weighing 2 lbs 5 ozs on June 23rd 2009..We've came a long way since then and just have to share all of the great things we experience with our little miracle!
Just wanted to do a quick post..Our Team from EI/Help me grow came out to the house and evaluated Xander 2 weeks ago in all developmental areas and today the OT came back to the house to go over everything..I really wasn't sure what to expect, I knew Xander was doing fantastic in all areas and I also knew with him having low tone that that could of hurt his scores a little bit, but ended up not hurting at all since he is crawling and pulling to a stand, and even cruising now..So overall X scored between 12 and 15 months on everything!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep he is a super baby, he may have low tone and do his gross motor skills on the later end of the timeline, but he will do them!! We also will be doing aquatics together to help his tone issues, which I'm very excited about..Xander loves to swim and so do I so it will be great..We will continue PT and do everything to give X the added little help he needs..We also went to dinner the other night and I wanted to post some pics from it because it was the funniest thing ever..We've been out to eat many times before, but this time Xander felt like getting everyones attention by looking at them and yelling hey(that's what it sounds like)..Seriously people were ooohing and awwing him for a solid 30 minutes..He was so funny!! His personality continues to shine and he is able to express himself more and more everyday..So it was just super funny..
Thats WONDERFUL news from EI and OT. Way to Go Mister! And really, your DARN cute.